Friday, July 13, 2007

Bye-bye Andrea & Bernardo

Up until Saturday Andrea & Bernardo were my site mates when they finished up their two years of service and left for the states. To bid them farewell we drove them to Teguc to see them off and enjoyed some of the finer things that the big city offers. For example, sushi, the mall, Subway, Die Hard 4 (in English with Spanish subtitles, my Spanish still isn’t good enough to catch everything in a movie), cable TV, free internet at the Peace Corps office and dance clubs. We went to a trendy night club called Casa Vieja with Andrea & Bernardo, Nineth, my counterpart from Agua Pura, Chris, the Canadian volunteer from Agua Pura and Maria, the national director of Agua Pura along with her husband. It was a great time and wonderful to do a little traveling. We also had to go to turn in the Agua Pura truck that we have been using, because apparently it belongs to another project and they now need it. With our new grant from Rotary Clubs in Maine we have $16,000 available to buy a new truck but for some reason they haven’t been able to send it, so we returned to Santa Barbara on the bus and now have no truck to go install filters with L.

From left: Allison O´Donnell; Maria Inestroza; Nineth Mungia; Andrea Aguilar

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL! Great Times!