Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Wrath of the Landlords

Almost a year and a half ago as Katie and I contemplated where to live we were advised by previous volunteers that we should not live in the apartments where we now live because the landlords are crazy. Well, we decided to go ahead and live here anyway for lack of a better option and up until now things have gone pretty smoothly. We heeded the warnings of the previous volunteers and have tried to be as nice as possible to the landlords and just say ok whenever there is a problem. For example, we know they are gypping us out of our electricity money but we just choose to ignore it. We signed a one year contract when we moved in and Katie and I both starting paying 2,000 L (~$100) although my apartment is 2 bedrooms and Katie’s is only 1 bedroom.

Our contracts expired a few months ago without either of us noticing and the landlord came to us last week to tell us they were raising the rent to 2,250 L for Katie and 2,500 L in one week. So, we told Peace Corps and they said that 2,250 L was a reasonable increase but 2,500 L was a 25% increase, which was too high, and we should negotiate for a lower price. So, Katie and I told the landlords that a 25% increase was too much and that I could pay 2,300 L instead which would be a 15% increase. The landlord did not understand the percentage argument and continually told us that my apartment has 2 bedrooms and Katie’s has 1 bedroom, so mine has to cost more. I wanted to tell him that he is totally correct that mine should cost more and it should have cost more since the beginning but since they cost the same from the beginning it doesn’t make sense to raise one more than the other now. They also continually told us how expensive things are now and how poor they are and how hard they have to work. Finally we agreed on 2,250 L for Katie and 2,300 L for me, which was approved by Peace Corps so we were all set. Then we got into another argument about when the increase would begin, since one week isn’t very much notice. Then they randomly started telling us that only volunteers can visit us and spend the night and that nobody else can visit and spend the night because they should be paying if they are sleeping there. Then the wife (the landlords are a husband and wife) said we should just move out to get ride of all these problems. At this point I was flabbergasted and started to get angry because they were being completely illogical. Katie and I chatted for a while and realized that they are not logical people so we can’t reason with them (this is a very unsettling realization) so we would just have to say okay so they wouldn’t kick us out (I didn’t feel like moving with just 7 months left and besides I love my apartment). So now we are waiting to sign new contracts so we won’t get kicked out and then we will see what happens over the next seven months. Now we know why the last volunteers thought the landlords were crazy.

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